Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More supergood questions from Kristi-but-not-me.

My question is when do you decide one of your kids has actually memorized a poem/etc? Do they have to recite it more than once? Will your son have to recite all his first grade memory work this year to see if he retained it? Do you care if it is retained from year to year? Does he retain stuff he has not accessed for several months?

This is new ground for us so we're making it up as we go along. A piece is "memorized" when he can recite it unassisted. We've started the 2nd grade with with a new memory work folder and the second side of his blank tape. I imagine I'll whip out the old folder and ask him to recite the 1st grade poems every now and then to keep them in his head. But he no longer puts any school time into those pieces.

Short and sweet. Just like me.


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